Bild/Picture ®Thomas Ferber/Oncoletter

18th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023

SGBCC 2023 welcomed almost 3000 participants joining from almost 100 countries to share their knowledge and expertise among the biggest minds of early breast cancer care. After the great engagement during the virtual edition of SGBCC 2021, SGBCC wanted to focus more on audience interaction and debate for the upcoming hybrid edition. As such, the SGBCC 2023 featured three interactive sessions on which a panel of experts discussed the hot topics in early breast cancer care, and audience members had the chance to pitch in and post their questions on the topic directly to the experts. Oncoletter presents some interviews and statements highlighting some of the topics which were discussed during the conference.


Prof. Dr. med. Nadia Harbeck, Mitglied des Consensus Panels: Debatten und Kontroversen in der Consensus Session & Interviews von Renate Haidinger, Brustkrebs Deutschland e.V.

Bedeutung, Themen und Fazit der 18th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023. Statement PD Dr. med. Rachel Würstlein, München, in Kooperation mit dem Journal Onkologie

Obituary Professor Hans-Joerg Senn, 1934-2023

It is with sadness that we must inform you, that the founder of our Foundation SONK, honorary chair, colleague, and friend,

Professor Hans-Joerg Senn, 1934-2023, passed away on January 13th.

As one of the worldwide leading oncologists he had a marked impact on breast cancer treatment and research, leaving behind an incredible legacy. Hans-Joerg Senn was among the founder team of the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG), when it was established in 1992 and he led it as first Foundation Council President until 1995.

He was president of many cancer societies, published uncountable manuscripts and edited highly regarded scientific journals and books. He was Co-Chair of the Department Internal Medicine und Head of the Division Oncology-Hematology at the Kantonsspital St.Gallen for two decades and eventually opened a private cancer center with a dedicated team. Within the context of the Foundation SONK, he was able to successfully fulfil the mission of distributing knowledge, focusing on tailored treatment and care in individuals with early breast cancer worldwide.

From the beginning in the Seventies, Hans-Joerg was the driving force of the international core team of the St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference, together with Bernhard Fisher and Gianni Bonadonna. Later, together with his friends Alan Coates, Rich Gelber and Aron Goldhirsch, he was very active in the development of the scientific program, in the construction of the inspiring consensus session and in co-authoring the world known St.Gallen Breast Cancer Consensus Recommendations.


Nachruf Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Senologie


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