ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium


  • PS01 Session 1 - Clinical Indications
  • PS02 Session 2 - New Clinical Data and Trial Pipeline
  • PS03 Session 3 - Next-Gen CAR-T Therapy
  • PS04 Session 4 - CAR-T in Oncology
  • PS06 Session 6 - New CAR-T Indications
  • PS07 Session 7 - CAR-T: New Standard of Care in Lymphoma?
  • PS08 Session 08 - Clinical management

PS01 Session 1 - Clinical Indications

Summary of the presentation with more than 20 direct links to the papers mentioned in the presentation DOWNLOAD



  • The introduction of CART cell therapy has revolutionized th of patients with B-Cell NHL
  • Excellent results in phase II pivotal prospective clinical trials
  • Real world data in both EU and US replicate results of PCT
  • Identification of prognostic factors
  • New indications (diseases, early stages) will be coming soon
Summary of the presentation with more than 20 direct links to the papers mentioned in the presentation DOWNLOAD


  • CLL among the first diseases treated with CAR-T, but still no approved product
  • CAR-T can overcome the T cell defects seen in this disease and lead in some cases to durable responses
  • Immune modulators to enhance T cell function are being explored and most developed with lbrutinib
  • NK and other cell types being explored
Summary of the presentation with more than 20 direct links to the papers mentioned in the presentation DOWNLOAD


  • The first CART cell product targeting BCMA was approved in the US/EU /Abecma
    • ide-cel) in 2021 and a second BCMA CART cell product (cilta-cel) will be approved for r/r MM probably in 2022
  • CART cell therapy can induce ORR up to 100% and a CR beyond 80% in patients with r/r MM (with a median of 6 lines of prior therapy) and a PFS of > 2 years

In The Future:

  • CART therapy will potentially become a part of the first-line therapy for ultra/high risk patients
  • CART therapy will challenge ASCT in TE NDMM
  • CART therapy for earlier lines of therapy also in non-transplant eligible patients (low rate of grade >3 CRS/ICANS)

Summary of the presentation with more than 20 direct links to the papers mentioned in the presentation DOWNLOAD


This year's meeting covered a wide range of topics. In turn, VJHemOnc did interviews on the following topics such as deep science, translational, clinical and commercial development in the field of CAR-T. See these posts on the VJHemOnc events page


  • Livecasts
  • Kongress-Berichte
  • Journal-Review
  • Interviews
  • Videos


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