64th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition
December 10-13, 2022
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More Abstract Links to Oral Paper Presentations

  1. Allogeneic Transplantation: Conditioning Regimens, Engraftment and Acute Toxicities III
  2. Allogeneic Transplantation: Conditioning Regimens, Engraftment and Acute Toxicities II
  3. Allogeneic Transplantation: Conditioning Regimens, Engraftment and Acute Toxicities I
  4. Allogeneic Transplantation: Acute and Chronic GVHD, Immune Reconstitution: Clinical Studies Exploring the Immunobiology of HCT
  5. Allogeneic Transplantation: Acute and Chronic GVHD, Immune Reconstitution: Critical Advances in GVHD Management
  6. Allogeneic Transplantation: Acute and Chronic GVHD, Immune Reconstitution: Novel Therapies for Graft-versus-Host Disease
  7. Allogeneic Transplantation: Long-term Follow-up and Disease Recurrence II
  8. Allogeneic Transplantation: Long-term Follow-up and Disease Recurrence I
  9. Autologous Transplantation: Clinical and Epidemiological: Lymphoma, AML, and Multiple Sclerosis
  10. Autologous Transplantation: Clinical and Epidemiological: Multiple Myeloma and CHIP
  11. Allogeneic Transplantation: Disease Response and Comparative Treatment Studies: Clinical Outcome: Real World Studies Based on Database Analyses
  12. Allogeneic Transplantation: Disease Response and Comparative Treatment Studies: Clinical Outcome: Results of Large Prospective Studies
  13. Gene Therapies: Addressing Challenges & Opportunities in Pre-clinical Settings
  14. Gene Therapies: Advances in Clinical Gene Therapy for Hematological Disorders
  15. Outcomes Research—Non-Malignant Conditions: Classical Hematology: From Horses to Zebras
  16. Outcomes Research—Non-Malignant Conditions: Sickle Cell Care Across the Lifespan
  17. Outcomes Research—Non-Malignant Conditions: Sickle Cell Disease Therapies & Outcomes
  18. Outcomes Research—Lymphoid Malignancies: Health Outcomes in CAR T and Stem Cell Transplantation
  19. Outcomes Research—Lymphoid Malignancies: Outcomes in Childhood Leukemia/Lymphoma
  20. Outcomes Research—Lymphoid Malignancies: Outcomes in Lymphoma
  21. Outcomes Research—Lymphoid Malignancies: Patient Representation and Equity in Hematologic Malignancies
  22. Outcomes Research—Myeloid Malignancies I
  23. Outcomes Research—Myeloid Malignancies II 


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