63rd ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition
December 11-14, 2021
  • Challenging Populations
  • Novel Agents and Combinations

626. Aggressive Lymphomas Prospective Therapeutic Trials: Challenging Populations

301 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Susan Prockop, Kris Michael Mahadeo, Amer Beitinjaneh, et al.

Tabelecleucel an allogeneic cell therapy,  shows clinically meaningful results and promising ORR and OS in a patient population with no approved treatment options and otherwise poor survival. The cell therapy was well tolerated with no evidence of safety concerns.

302 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Bijal D. Shah, Caron Jacobson, Scott R. Solomon, et al.

eLD mitigated PBCAR0191 rejection with the aim of significantly improving maximal CAR-T cell expansion and persistence with predictable and manageable toxicity. A single infusion of PBCAR0191 after eLD demonstrated clinical benefit in most of both CD19-CAR-naïve patients and those who progressed after auto-CD19-CAR therapy. The infusion resulted in high rates of overall and complete responses with promising activity.


303 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Makoto Yoshimitsu, Koji Izutsu, Shinichi Makita, et al.

Valemetostat hat ein überschaubares Sicherheitsprofil und führte zu einer hohen Ansprechrate und einer dauerhaften Antitumorwirkung bei japanischen Patienten mit R/R ATL. Die meisten von ihnen waren mit Mogamulizumab vorbehandelt worden. Aufgrund der Übereinstimmung mit früheren Phase-1-Studienergebnissen wird von den Autoren geschlossen, dass Valemetostat eine neue Behandlungsoption für Patienten mit R/R-ATL sein könnte



Emma Verner, Amanda Johnston, Nalini Pati, et al.

The addition of ibrutinib to R-mini-CHOP improved the 2-year progression free survival compared to R-mini-CHOP alone. But despite a trend to improve the 2-year overall survival, the targeted increase of 15 percent was not achieved (small sample size). The quality of life and functional improvements in the survivors of this older cohort show promise, despite considerable and not unexpected toxicity.


305 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Guido Gini, Monica Tani, Renato Bassan, et al.

The initial activity hypothesis was not confirmed. However, activity of the R2 combination was observed in a significant proportion of the cases. According to the study authors, this warranted further investigation of the chemo-free approach in elderly frail patients with DLBCL


306 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Pier Luigi Luigi Zinzani, Catherine Thieblemont, Vladimir Melnichenko, et al.

Treatment with pembrolizumab monotherapy continued to demonstrate sustained antitumor activity in heavily pre-treated patients with R/R-PMBCL. The follow-up time was around 4 years. Promising trends for long-term survival with no new safety signals have been observed in PFS and OS.

626. Aggressive Lymphomas Prospective Therapeutic Trials: Novel Agents and Combinations

523 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Jeremy S. Abramson, Amy S. Ruppert, Sharmila Giri, et al.

When DA-EPOCH-R was combined with venetoclax, increased treatment-related mortality was observed in DHL patients compared to DA-EPOCH-R alone. This led to a premature discontinuation of the accrual and venetoclax treatment. The study authors therefore advise against combining Venetoclax with DA-EPOCH-R in DHL. Prospective studies in DHL patients are feasible. Positive results to date in the DA-EPOCH-R arm can serve as a benchmark for future studies.



Mark Roschewski, James D. Phelan, Stefania Pittaluga, et al.

Updated clinical results within genetic subtypes are presented at the oral session.



Martin Hutchings, Anna Sureda, María José Terol, et al.

Glofit plus Pola showed encouraging preliminary efficacy in R/R-DLBCL. The study authors judged the safety to be tolerable without any new safety signals for this combination. CRS and NAE were restricted to Gr 1 or 2. The safety profile was consistent with that of the individual drugs. Updated data will be presented at the oral session.


526 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Moshe Y. Levy, Deepa Jagadeesh, Zhanet Grudeva-Popova, et al.

Nara + RTX resulted in a sustained response with good OR and CR rates and good QoL results. The treatment was well tolerated and the safety profile is manageable. The combination demonstrated full CD37 target engagement. The study authors see Nara + RTX as an attractive option for treating patients with R/R B-NHL.


527 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

John M. Burke, Gustavo Fonseca, Wojciech Jurczak, et al.

In the DLBCL arm of UNITY-NHL, the U2 plus Benda triplet combination was active and well tolerated. Umbra monotherapy and U2 were also well tolerated. However, a lower ORR was observed here than in the U2 + Benda arm.


528 ASH denotes this abstract as clinically relevant

Michael Wang, Matthew Mei, Paul M. Barr, et al.

Zilovertamab Vedotin targets the ROR1 signaling pathway. In this study, the substance shows a tolerable safety profile and promising antitumor activity in patients with R/R NHL.


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